Author: Sayan Dutta

I am glad you came over here. So, you want to know a little bit about me. I am a passionate digital marketer, blogger, and engineer. I have knowledge & experience in search engine optimization, digital analytics, google algorithms, and many other things.

How to Connect Bluetooth Headphones to Xbox One

Xbox One still does not have built-in Bluetooth audio support, so you cannot connect it with any wireless headphones. But, there is nothing to worry about as there are alternative ways, such as using a Bluetooth transmitter or adapter, using an Xbox One application, or connecting through TV. These are all indirect methods and you can efficiently get a perfect solution to connect Bluetooth headphones to Xbox One. So, let’s go through the workaround that makes it possible to use Bluetooth headphones with Xbox One. 4 Ways to Connect Bluetooth Headphones to Xbox One Before you start, you need to…

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How to Make Headphones Louder

Loud music on headphones also helps you to stay focused and the noise cancellation feature keeps away distractions while you stay focused. However, with daily wear and tear and continual usage, the headphone volume can reduce or generate volume issues. To fix this, you can either change the settings of the headphones, add an amplifier, or use a third-party audio enhancer to make the headphones louder. Alternatively, if you are not tight on budget, you can get a new headphone with a louder volume. The safe range is marked as 85 decibels for an 8-hour continuous use in a day.…

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How Can I Stop My AirPods From Dying So Fast

If you do not keep the AirPods in the case, after using them for a long time, then it will continuously get battery drained. So, this can be a possible reason why the AirPods battery dies so fast. To fix this, do not keep the earbuds connected to the device Bluetooth all the time, rather turn off the Bluetooth and then put the AirPods back in the case to prevent losing charge. However, even if you turn off the Bluetooth, the AirPods remain in an active state and you can connect them immediately without any hassle. If this hack was…

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Vizio TV Has Sound But No Picture

Vizio TV has sound but no picture, then you can try to reset the TV. So, power off the TV, wait for 60 seconds, then press the power button for 30 seconds while the TV is still unplugged. Next, plug in the cables and press the power button to turn on the TV. There can be many reasons which can lead to Vizio TV having no picture. When you turn on the TV, you can hear the sound program ongoing but there are no visuals. So, let’s get it fixed with quick and easy methods that can solve the problem…

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Amazon Alexa Red Ring

If you find a red ring on Amazon Alexa, then try to find the voice assistant. If it is not responding, then it might be an indication of an error. A red ring on an Alexa device, such as the Echo, indicates that the microphone is turned off, the device is unable to pick up voice messages or voice commands, or no microphone mode is enabled due to privacy purposes. Otherwise, there can be a possibility that you might have changed the settings accidentally or unintentionally. So, let’s get to the details and understand what the different light indications of…

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TCL TV Won't Turn On

If the TCL TV won’t turn on, then check whether the chords are correctly plugged in. Also, you can try to power cycle the TV. So, unplug the TV from the Power outlet, press and hold the Power button for 2-3 minutes, and then plug in the cables to the power outlet. You can also hold the Reset button located on the back side of a TV to start the service. If these steps are not enough, then we have listed the best possible alternative that can help you out. 6 Methods to Fix TCL TV won’t Turn On Here…

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Instantly Resolve TP-Link Router Internet Light Orange with This Quick Fix!

TP-LINK router internet light orange indicates that the WAN port is connected but there is an internet connection issue. This can occur due to outdated firmware, defective cables, or a random software glitch. There are many ways to fix this issue, such as restarting the device, changing the defective cables, factory resetting the connection, and more. Let’s get started with easy and quick fixes that can help to understand the reason behind the TP-LINK orange light and fix it. Causes of TP-LINK router internet Orange light The reasons behind the orange light flashing can range from simple to complex issues,…

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Blink Camera Flashing Red

If the Blink camera flashes red, then it can be due to incomplete setup, wireless connection issues, low battery, or hardware problems. To fix it, the first step you should take is to check the internet connection and ensure that the Wi-Fi network is working and the camera is within the router’s range. If the Wi-Fi seems to be unstable, then you can move the camera closer to the router or install a Wi-Fi range extender. You can also reconnect the camera to the network through the Blink app and fix the flashing red error, In this guide, we are…

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Vizio Smart TV No Network Detected

Vizio Smart TV no network detected due to internet connection problems, damaged Wi-Fi adapter, faulty security settings, or communication error. This petty reason stops you from accessing any Vizio apps, such as Netflix and Hulu. To fix the problem you need to test the connection. So, go to Settings > Test Connection and check the download speed. If any value appears on the screen, then the TV is connected to the internet. Otherwise, you need to troubleshoot the Wi-Fi network error. Follow the step-by-step process and get the TV no network problem fixed in no time. 9 Methods to Fix…

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Recover Permanently Deleted Photos From Android

If you have permanently deleted photos and videos from Android, then it is possible to recover them. There are many third-party applications that can help you to get these priceless pictures and memories back. Let’s approach the different strategies that you can apply to improve the chances of recovering digital files. 4 Easy Methods to Recover Permanently Deleted Photos from Android Here are the methods that you can apply to get back the pictures and videos that you might have deleted unintentionally from your Android phone. Method 1: Using Google Photos Backup and Recovery Feature Google Photos is the easiest…

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